Peridot: Birthstone of the Month for August

Peridot: Birthstone Of The Month For August

In the realm of birthstones, August boasts a gemstone with a remarkable spectrum of shades. Meet peridot, pronounced "Pair-uh-doe," a gemstone that ranges from deep greens to vibrant yellow-greens, and even olive hues. But peridot is more than just a visually striking stone; it carries a rich history and a multitude of beliefs and traditions.

Often referred to as the "stone of compassion," peridot is said to bring an array of benefits, including good health, restful sleep, and peace to relationships. It's believed to balance emotions and the mind, inspiring creativity and artistry while bringing delight and good cheer. Legends even suggest that peridot can attract love and calm anger, offering renewal to all things.

The history of peridot dates back to 1500 BCE, making it one of the oldest known gemstones. Ancient Egyptians revered peridot as "The Gem of the Sun," believing it could protect its wearer from nighttime terrors. In fact, some speculate that Cleopatra's renowned "emerald" jewels were, in fact, peridot. This gemstone, often mistaken for emerald in earlier times, has been cherished for centuries.

Peridot's origins are as fascinating as its properties. Most peridot forms deep within the earth, brought to the surface through natural phenomena like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Some even arrived on Earth via meteorites, although extraterrestrial peridot is exceptionally rare. Today, the majority of peridot is mined in Arizona, China, and Pakistan, with Arizona contributing a staggering 80% of the global supply.

Traditionally, peridot is associated with love and fidelity, believed to aid in the success of marriages and relationships. Its positive energy is thought to suppress ego and jealousy, promoting harmony and well-being. Hence, it's no surprise that peridot is the traditional gift for a 16th wedding anniversary.

In Hawaiian folklore, peridot is linked to Pele, the goddess of volcanoes and fire. Representing her tears, peridot symbolizes the volcanic origins of the Hawaiian Islands, reflecting the epic tales of navigation and migration that shaped the region's history.

Beyond its mythological significance, peridot is said to cleanse and activate the heart, releasing burdens and fostering psychological clarity. It encourages individuals to let go of the past, understand their destiny, and embrace their spiritual purpose, elevating awareness and consciousness.

Ancient beliefs also credit peridot with the power to dispel enchantments and ward off evil spirits. It was believed that drinking medicine from goblets carved from peridot enhanced its potency. To fully harness its talismanic properties, peridot was set in gold and worn as jewelry.

When caring for peridot, gentle cleaning with warm, soapy water is recommended to maintain its brilliance. It's crucial to shield peridot from drastic temperature changes, scratches, and chemical exposure, avoiding ultrasonic or steam cleaners.

Curious to learn more about this extraordinary birthstone? Visit TIVOL at our Country Club Plaza or Hawthorne Plaza locations, where our knowledgeable sales associates await to guide you through the enchanting world of peridot.