Rubies: Birthstone of the Month for July

Rubies: Birthstone Of The Month For July

When we think of birthdays and the customary birthstone gifts, we often overlook the fascinating history and symbolism behind these gemstones. To delve deeper into this tradition, each month we'll spotlight the birthstone, shedding light on its historical significance and symbolic meanings. And what better way to commence this journey than with the fiery allure of rubies, the birthstone for July!

The History of Rubies

Rubies, with their captivating beauty and rarity, have amassed a wealth of legends and superstitions over the ages. Originating in India over 2000 years ago, these precious gems are predominantly sourced from Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, India, Myanmar, and Cambodia to this day. While clarity is essential, it's the vibrant color that truly defines the value of rubies, ranging from vivid orange-red hues to deep purplish tones, largely influenced by their origin.

Ruby Folklore

For centuries, rubies have been attributed with mystical powers, believed to bestow power, wealth, and happiness upon their wearers. In Indian folklore, rubies were thought to foster harmony even with adversaries, while Burmese warriors wore them for invincibility in battle. The Middle Ages saw rubies as omens, darkening in the face of danger, a belief echoed in the iconic Wizard of Oz with Dorothy's ruby slippers. Whether seen as protective talismans or symbols of love and passion, rubies hold a unique place in history and culture.

Did You Know?

  • Rubies are traditional gifts for milestone anniversaries like the 15th and 40th, symbolizing enduring love and passion.
  • The largest ruby ever discovered, the 125West Ruby, weighs a staggering 8.2 pounds.
  • The Sunrise Ruby, a pristine 25.59-carat specimen from Burma, holds the title of the most expensive ruby ever sold, fetching a remarkable $30 million.

Other Birthstones for July

Aside from rubies, July also lays claim to two other captivating birthstones:

  • Onyx: Known for its protective qualities, onyx comes in various hues and is believed to guard against harm and enhance physical strength.
  • Turquoise: This mesmerizing blue-green stone, often found in Native American artifacts, is associated with mental health improvement, offering clarity and peace of mind to the wearer.

Choosing the right birthstone ultimately boils down to personal style. At TIVOL, we welcome you to explore our diverse selection of jewelry, trying on different pieces to discover the birthstone that resonates most with you. Whether it's the fiery passion of rubies or the tranquil allure of turquoise, find the perfect gem to celebrate your July birthday in style.